Sunday, June 22, 2008

Public Invited To Join Pro-space Demonstration Before Senatorial Hearing At Cape Canaveral

Link to Launch is a movement started by people of the Space Coast to raise the awareness of the nation and our policy makers that space needs to be a priority for America.
At the request of Florida Senator Bill Nelson, a United States Senate Sub-committee field hearing on Space is meeting in Brevard, at the Port Authority, to discuss NASA's future and funding. Dozens of Space Coast residents are developing an event that will provide a visual, high-profile opportunity for people to unite for a few minutes to show lawmakers, the nation and the world that we appreciate the importance of space to our nation, our state and our community, and so should they.

Who: You and your friends, neighbors and co-workers

What: Link to Launch -- A Movement started by people of Florida’s Space Coast to raise the awareness of the nation and our policy makers that space needs to be a priority for America.

When: Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 8:30am (Participants should be in place by 8:30am. Please plan to factor in time for parking and transportation to event site.)

Where: Cape Canaveral Port Authority Grounds, George King Boulevard, Port Canaveral [MAP]

Why: This event will provide a visual, high-profile opportunity for people to unite and show lawmakers the importance of space to our community.

During the Event

  • There will be water and shade available in designated areas.
  • There will be restroom facilities available in designated areas.
  • Link to Launch should last from approximately 8:30am to 10am.
  • If you can, please wear Red, White & Blue to show your support.

We HIGHLY encourage you to bring family, friends, church members or anyone else interested. Children are very important to this event as they represent our future of the Space Program.

Where do I park?

Arrive by 8:30 a.m. and park in Lot # 1 Canaveral Cove Phase ll, Lot # 2 at Freddie Patrick Park, and Lot # 3 Cruise Terminal 3 parking in the port. People will be on hand to direct traffic and guide you to a bus to take you to the rally near by.

Right now, less than 1% of our Federal Budget goes to NASA, a literal drop in the bucket to keep such an important aspect of our government doing the science, engineering and exploration to advance the technologies we will need to survive into the future. Other countries are investing more in space, inspiring more youth to go into engineering and science, and are starting to overtake our position as a world economic leader. It is not a coincidence.

Link to Launch is a movement started by people in Florida to raise the awareness of the nation and our policy makers that Space Needs to be a priority for America. Space is undisputedly a critical element in security, our culture and global economic competitiveness.

NASA exploration efforts are the reason we have satellite communications, advanced computer technology, and the jobs, entrepreneurs and commercial success that make the US a world power. Our leaders need to understand. They need to see that there is a clear link to security, our culture, or economic competitiveness and our Space Program.

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